Summer again! I got my family a popsicle set though I confess that my first popsicles were not for the kids...
Delving again into Mark Bittman's Kitchen Matrix cookbook, I found these too irresistible, tasty and easy.
sugar syrup:
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
Cook together over a low heat until the sugar dissolves.
mojito popsicles:
1/2 cup rum
1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
1/2 cup lime juice
Sugar syrup from above
1 cup water
Dice the mint leaves and mix together with the rum, lime juice, sugar syrup and water. Place in popsicle moulds until frozen. Serve frozen.
My mint all floated to the top of the moulds, I may try blending the mint so that it mixes throughout the popsicles better next time...

Photo: Eva plate and mojito popsicle. Better to partake quickly before they melt!