Fresh corn is becoming increasingly available in Spain, nothing like the summer abundance of corn that one finds in the USA, but it is sometimes possible to purchase two-packs of corn cobs, which is a big upgrade from canned corn! So now I am back in grilled corn mode and made this delicious salad for lunch. This is an easy salad to make, (I love easy salads with a bit of crunch to them), and although my recipe is for one person, if you want more, just multiply the ingredients.

1 corn cob, husked and silk removed
5 cherry tomatoes, washed and cut in half
1/4 small onion, peeled and diced
1/4 cup feta cheese, cut into small pieces
chopped cilantro and mint leaves
olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
Grill the corn evenly by rotating it on all sides for ~ 10 minutes over a medium flame.
Remove and cut the kernels off the cob.
In a salad bowl, mix the corn kernels, feta, cherry tomatoes and onion.
Drizzle with olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper.
Garnish with cilantro and mint and toss again.
This makes a perfect lunch for one person, but can easily be made into a larger salad as a side dish for several people. I found a similar, larger, recipe on Skinnytaste, but then added cherry tomatoes to my salad since I think they go so well with corn and feta!
I'm especially fond of fresh cilantro...the cilantro in my herb pot died this summer, so I have just bought a new plant. Hopefully this will keep me supplied with fresh cilantro for all the different recipes I have in mind.
Wave tableware from the Big Arrow-Maia Ming collection.